NC Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc.

Upcoming Meeting Details
We have a regular meeting place at the meeting room at Crabtree Chiropractic at 4517 Lead Mine Road in Raleigh. The space has a reasonable rental charge so we will make a donation box available at the meeting if you are able to donate to help offset the cost of the room. If you want to make a tax deductible donation to that end, please put your donation in an envelope with your name and address into the donation box. We completely understand if you are not able to donate – please do not feel that a donation is required to attend the meeting.
Held from 1:30 to 4:30 PM (unless otherwise stated), the first or last hour will be devoted to General Discussion. All speakers will need to keep their presentations and questions to one and one-half hour.
Regular emails are sent to members to confirm meeting times and places. Please note that all meeting dates and times are tentative depending on weather and speaker availability.
April 6: General Meeting (No Speaker)
June 1: Kristen Timpy, Forum Health in Cary, S.O.T. treatment for Lyme
August 3: Sylvia DiRosa-Taylor, Eagle Scout candidate - Mapping the Unseen: Chronic Lyme Through Art
October 5: General Meeting (No Speaker)
December 7: General Meeting (No Speaker)
Please be aware that Lyme Disease and other tick-borne diseases often represent a cluster of infections including but not limited to bacteria, protozoa and parasites. Treatment of tick born infections is not a cookie-cutter paradigm. Rather, successful treatment is variable person to person and can include both pharmaceutical and/or alternative therapies to achieve success.
Please note that the information presented above is for informational purposes only. No information should be considered medical advice. Any information provided should not be used to take the place of advice from your personal physician or other health professional. Patients should carefully consider all information as they work with their personal physician toward better health.
Information shared at this meeting is the opinion of those who attend the meeting and is not necessarily that of the North Carolina Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc.
Questions? Email Us!
¡Si tiene preguntas, por favor
The NCLDF, Inc is an all volunteer organization and emails will be answered as time permits in the order that they are received.
Thank you for contacting the NCLDF, Inc.!
Support NC Lyme!
Support NC Lyme!
Mail your tax deductible donation to us:
2838 Stuart Drive
Durham, NC 27707